How to create User in Mysql
Create new user in Mysql
We can create MySQL accounts in two ways, By using statements such as Create user and Grant.
CREATE USER 'user_name'@ 'host_name' [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password']
CREATE USER 'senthil'@ 'localhost' identified by 'admin';
It must be noted that CREATE USER command was added in the MySQL version 5.0.2. In earlier versions, users could be created automatically when assigning permissions using the GRANT command or by manually inserting records in the mysql database.
It must be noted that CREATE USER command was added in the MySQL version 5.0.2. In earlier versions, users could be created automatically when assigning permissions using the GRANT command or by manually inserting records in the mysql database.
2.Grant User
GRANT [PRIVILIAGES] ON 'database_name'.'table_name' TO ''user_name'@ ''host_name' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL ON 'test'.* TO ''senthil'@ ''localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'admin';
To see a list of the userd and their privileges.
use mysql;
select * from mysql.user where User='user' \G;