1. ls for listing the files as well as directories those are kept in the particular working directory syntax
ls -l
above the command will list the files with rights details
ls -a
above the command will list all the files including hidden files
ls -i
it will also shows us the inode number of each and every file
syntax :
ls [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Example :
senthil@senthil-desktop:ls -la
2. clear
it will clear the screen (short cut ctl+l).
syntax :
Example :
3. exit
to end a current session as well current terminal logging
syntax :
Example :
4. touch
to create a new empty file
syntax :
touch file_name
Example :
senthil@senthil-desktop:touch testing.txt
5. cd
to change the working/present directory
syntax :
cd director_path
Example :
senthil@senthil-desktop:cd Desktop/project
6. mkdir
to make a new directory
syntax :
mkdir dir_name
Example :
senthil@senthil-desktop:mkdir testing
you can also create a directory at your desired path without changing your present working directory
7. rmdir
to remove a empty directory
syntax :
rmdir dir_name
Example :
senthil@senthil-desktop:rmdir testing
8. rm
to remove a empty file
rm [-i/-r/-f] to remove a directory with its subdirectories as well as its
files that is to remove a directory which already contains some files in it
syntax :
rm file_name
Example :
senthil@senthil-desktop:rm testing.txt
-i stands for interactively
-r stands for recursively
-f stands for forcefully
9. cp
to copy something in a destination file or directory
syntax :
cp sourcepath destinationpath
senthil@senthil-desktop:cp /home/mango/webmin.rpm /root/abcd
10. mv
to move one file or directory from one place to another place, it
is also used for renaming adirectory or file
syntax :
mv source destination
Example :
senthil@senthil-desktop: mv oldfilename newfilename